Monday, December 8, 2014

Inji (Ginger) Curry

    • Cooking Time :
      20 Minutes
    • Serves :
      30 Adult(s)
    to make Inji(Ginger) Curry
    • Ginger
      Ginger (English) / Inji (tamil) / Inchi (malayalam) / Allam / Allamu / Sonthi (telugu) / Shunti / Alla / Ashi Shunti / Ardraka (kannada) / Adrak / Adu / Soonth (hindi) / Ada (Bengali) / Aadu / Soonth (Gujarati) / Alley (Konkani) / Aale (Marathi) / Ada (Oriya) / Adrak (Punjabi) / Soonthi (Tulu) / Adrak / Adhrak (Urudu) / 

      for more details, click the name of the ingredient
       (cube shaped) - 250 gm
    • (finely chopped)
    • Green chillies
      Green Chillies (English) / Pachchii Milagai (tamil) / Pachamulagu (malayalam) / Patchimirapa / Pachchi Mirapakayalu (telugu) / Hasi Menasinakai (kannada) / Hara Mircha / Hari Mirch (hindi) / Kancha Lanka / Maricha (Bengali) / Marcha (Gujarati) / Jeevisaang / Tanrni Mirsang / Tanrni Miriyasang (Konkani) / Pachchai Milagai (Marathi) / Lila Marcha (Oriya) / Mirchan (Punjabi) / 

      for more details, click the name of the ingredient
       - 6 - 10 nos
    • (finely chopped)
    • Curry leaves
      Curry Leaves (English) / Kariveppilai / Karivempu (tamil) / Kariveppila (malayalam) / Karivepaku / Karepaku (telugu) / Karibevu / Baisoppu / Karibevina Soppu (kannada) / Kadi Patta / Kathnim / Mitha Neem / Curry Patta / Gandhela / Bareanga (hindi) / Curry Patta / Barsanga / Kariphulli (Bengali) / Mitho Limdo / Meetho Limbado / Goranimb / Kadhilimbdo (Gujarati) / Karbapathi / Beva Palo (Konkani) / Kadhi Patta / Karhinimb / Poospala / Gandla / Jhirang / Pandheri Kunthi (Marathi) / Bhrusanga Patra / Barsan / Basango / Bhuraunga (Oriya) / Kadipatti / Curry Patta (Punjabi) / Bevudirae (Tulu) / 

      for more details, click the name of the ingredient
       - 3 stem
    • Dry red chillies(Kollamulaku) - 5 nos
    • (broken)
    • Mustardseeds
      Mustard Seeds (English) / Kadugu (tamil) / Kadugu (malayalam) / Avalu (telugu) / Sasuve / Karisasive (kannada) / Rai / Banarasi Rai / Sarson (hindi) / Sarsay / Shorshe / Rai (Bengali) / Rai (Gujarati) / Sasaun (Konkani) / Mohori (Marathi) / Sorisa / Sarosha (Oriya) / Rai / Banarasi Rai / Kalee Sarson (Punjabi) / Sasive (Tulu) / Aasur / Sorisa (Kashmiri) / Rai, Banarasi Rai, Kalee Sarson (Urudu) / 

      for more details, click the name of the ingredient
       - 2 tsp
    • Fenugreek seeds
      Fenugreek Seeds (English) / Vendhayam (tamil) / Uluva / Venthiam (malayalam) / Menthulu (telugu) / Menthe / Menthya (kannada) / Methi Dana (hindi) / Methi (Bengali) / Methi (Gujarati) / Methi (Konkani) / Methi Dane / Methi (Marathi) / Methi (Oriya) / Meth / Methi (Punjabi) / Menthae (Tulu) / Meeth (Kashmiri) / Methe (Urudu) / 

      for more details, click the name of the ingredient
       (Uluva) - 1 tsp

    • Grated coconut - 2 cups
    • Corianderpowder
      Coriander Powder (English) / Mallipodi (tamil) / Mallipodi (malayalam) / Dhaniyalu (telugu) / Kottambari Beeja / Haveeja (kannada) / Dhania / Dhana (hindi) / Dhonay / Dhaniya (Bengali) / Dhana / Dhaniya / Kothmiri / Libdhaba (Gujarati) / Kottambari / Konpir (Konkani) / Dhane / Kothimir (Marathi) / Dhaniya (Oriya) / Dhaniya (Punjabi) / Kothemberi (Tulu) / Deaniwal / Kothambalari (Kashmiri) / 

      for more details, click the name of the ingredient
       - 1 tbsp
    • Red chilly powder - 1 tsp
    • Turmericpowder
      Turmeric Powder (English) / Manjalpodi (tamil) / Manjalpodi (malayalam) / Pasupu (telugu) / Arashina / Harasina Pudi (kannada) / Haldi / Hardhar (hindi) / Halood (Bengali) / Hardhar / Haldi (Gujarati) / Haladpito (Konkani) / Halad / Halede (Marathi) / Haladi Gunda (Oriya) / Haldar / Haldi (Punjabi) / Lader (Kashmiri) / Haladi (Urudu) / 

      for more details, click the name of the ingredient
       - 1 tsp
    • Asafoetida(Kayam) - 1 tsp
    • Jaggery
      Jaggery (English) / Vellam (tamil) / Sharkkara / Vellam (malayalam) / Bellam / Bellamu (telugu) / Bella (kannada) / Gura / Gur (hindi) / Gur (Bengali) / Gol / Gur (Gujarati) / Godd (Konkani) / Gul (Marathi) / Guda (Oriya) / Gur (Punjabi) / Gor (Kashmiri) / 

      for more details, click the name of the ingredient
       (Sharkkara) - 50 gm
    • Tamarind
      Tamarind (English) / Puli (tamil) / Puli / Valan Puli (malayalam) / Chinthapandu (telugu) / Hunase Hannu / Huli (kannada) / Imli (hindi) / Tentool / Tetul (Bengali) / Amli (Gujarati) / Chinchamb / Amptan (Konkani) / Chincha (Marathi) / Tentuli / Dalima (Oriya) / Imli (Punjabi) / Tamber /  Tambari (Kashmiri) / 

      for more details, click the name of the ingredient
       (Puli) pulp - 1 cup
    • Salt
      Salt (English) / Uppu (tamil) / Uppu (malayalam) / Uppu (telugu) / Uppu (kannada) / Namak (hindi) / Laban / Noone (Bengali) / Meethu (Gujarati) / Meet (Konkani) / Mith (Marathi) / 

      for more details, click the name of the ingredient
       - As reqd
    • Veg oil - 5 tbsp
       to make Inji(Ginger) Curry
    • 1)Heat 4 tbsp of oil in a non stick tawa.
    • 2)Splutter mustard seeds.
    • 3)Add fenugreek seeds, spilt red chilly and saute until fenugreek turns into light brown color.
    • 4)Add chopped ginger, chopped green chilly and curry leaves and stir until the ginger pieces become half of its original size.
    • 5)Heat the rest of oil in another pan.
    • 6)Add the grated coconut and stir evenly until it turns brown.
    • 7)Add coriander powder and put off the flame.
    • 8)Add red chilly powder and turmeric powder.
    • 9)Allow it to cool and then, grind this mix into a fine paste.
    • 10)Add this paste into the ginger.
    • 11)Boil it for 2 - 3 mins.
    • 12)Add salt, grated jaggery and tamarind pulp.
    • 13)Simmer, until oil floats on top.
    • 14)Switch off the flame.
    • 15)Sprinkle asafoetida powder and mix well.
    • 16)Allow to cool.
    • 17)Keep in a glass container.
    • :- Adjust the sweet- salt balance after tasting the curry.